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Lee Paine

When is a Good Time to Share Your Personal Revelations?

Now that I’ve given several book talks, I know that talking about your own extraordinary revelation is much easier said than done! These kinds of experiences are so deeply emotional, that retelling them can be as emotional as experiencing it the first time! This is because revelations are, as I define them in my book, “seared into your soul.” They don’t fade with time, which is what separates them from many other kinds of human experiences. For me, extraordinary revelations that happened over 50 years ago, are as fresh and detailed as if they happened yesterday.


But I’ve learned from the many others I have spoken with, since publishing my book, that sharing our stories helps relieve our self-doubts that we are the only ones having these unusual experiences, and that sharing what happened to us has a value beyond ourselves. We feel validated when talking with others who understand, and we find out that our experiences can hold great meaning for others.

Which is why it is my mission to lift up the topic of "extraordinary revelations" into mainstream conversation and get people talking about their experiences. The more we share, the more potential we have to gain insights into our own journey, and to offer important insights to others on their journeys.

For my whole lifetime, up until recently, NOBODY I knew ever talked about this subject! I was in my 50’s before the thought even occurred to me to tell anyone, and when I was working in a cathedral in NYC and tried speaking to two different ministers, at different times, about a vision in which Jesus had come to me, their responses were each, “I have absolutely no idea what to say to you!” I quickly learned, that to keep my job, talking about personal revelations, even in a church environment in those days, could raise questions about my stability. Fortunately, there were no negative consequences from those interactions.


Today, in 2024, things have begun to change for the better, and even celebrities are speaking more freely about feeling the active and on-going influence of their deceased parents and/or grand-parents in their lives, as one example of the change. I’ll explore that subject more deeply in a separate blog.


And, in my experience, clergy and congregations, ordinary people, and those intentionally not affiliated with any religion, seem to be much more open to listening and discussing – even sharing, in some cases – extraordinary revelations of their own. This can include you!


If you are holding any personal revelations close to your heart and are open to sharing, you may begin to find conversations with trusted family and friends will offer you opportunities to talk about your personal experiences and what you may have learned from your revelations. Please keep yourself open to these kinds of opportunities, because, by sharing, you may be giving someone else the gift of personal insight and understanding, even hope that something else may exist in the universe, beyond only the world that we see with our eyes.


When is a good time to share your revelations? When your heart tells you that it is. This is not an intellectual subject, but an emotionally based one.


If you do share and those you tell are skeptical of your experience or outright dismissive, it helps to say, “I understand how you feel – before this happened to me, I would have reacted as you did. I didn’t ask for this to happen to me, nor do I fully understand how it happened (and even, if it applies, “why it happened”), but I am telling you it was a real experience, different from any other that I have had. We both know that people in all cultures and countries have been reporting these kinds of revelatory experiences since the beginning of recorded history, and now I am proof that they continue to this day!”


I hope, however, that you will receive affirmation from those around you when you share your revelations experience, especially from those closest to you. You have been granted an extraordinary kind of gift, and I hope that they can appreciate it and celebrate it with you.

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