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Lee Paine

I am raising this topic because it has been my experience, that when I am recounting one of my revelations to one person or a group, my listeners often wait eagerly to try to explain my revelation to me, according to our cultures’ popularized version of Freudian and Jungian dream interpretation – basically the idea that each person’s brain collects information, images, impressions, as well as physical, emotional and intellectual memories throughout the waking hours, and then processes and integrates them in such a way, that during sleep, our dreams are created in our minds, by pulling from all those integrated waking experiences.


And that it is then possible, once all the elements of a dream have been remembered, to analyze it by who and what is featured in the dream and what is happening during the dream. It is widely accepted that certain actions and objects in dreams are symbols for other actions/ideas with deeper psychological meaning.


Many revelations happen to people when they are fully awake, which is very difficult for others who have not had a revelation to understand. Many of those people assume that what you experienced was in a dream, in spite of what you tell them, because all of us wake up from dreams that may seem very real, when first awaking, but most dreams slip away from us within minutes, and then are gone from our memories. It is rare to remember a dream for even a day.


If you do remember a dream and tell someone else about it, that person will undoubtedly begin to analyze your dream, because almost everyone these days knows something about “dream interpretation” from the theories mentioned above, even if they have never studied the subject.


This is why I begin each of my book talks by mentioning that dream interpretation does NOT apply to extraordinary revelations, as revelations are defined in my book, because revelatory experiences come to us from outside ourselves. Even if they appear to us in a dream, we know that that this experience was not generated from within ourselves, because of the content and that it is so different from any other dream we have had.


Unlike ordinary dreams, extraordinary revelations usually have personal messages, brought to us from outside of ourselves. Not all messages are fully understood at the time they are delivered, but only you should try to interpret your own revelation, because the message is for you. I suggest, if you share your revelation with someone else, that you be prepared to explain the difference between your revelation and a dream.


Some extraordinary revelations do also appear in dreams, however, just to make things a bit more complicated. One of mine did. I had an extremely vivid dream that was unlike any I had ever had before or since. Every detail of it is as clear now as when I experienced it several years ago. I can see it like a movie in my head in vivid color and replay it at will. There is a very clear and important message for me in it, which I wrote about in the very last chapter of my book. It is titled “Another Glimpse of Heaven,” and it begins on page 261 of the book. It affected me so deeply, that to this day, I have a great deal of trouble speaking about it in person.


If you wonder whether one of your dreams is “just a dream” or is an extraordinary revelation, let your heart be your guide. Only you can judge whether this experience came to you from outside yourself, and only you can measure the impact the message has had on you. Trust your heart to tell you your truth.

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