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Lee Paine

I had no idea, when I started my website and blog, that someday I would be writing about what I consider to be a miraculous faith healing that I experienced personally. I’m sharing this with you here, because I think it’s important for others to know that faith healings can be real and really work, something that I did not know before it happened to me, in the most unexpected way!

Both of my hands had been giving me trouble through last winter and early spring of this year – I was increasingly unable to make fists or hold cylindrical objects, like my hairbrush, without the 4th fingers on either hand I was using, triggering shut very painfully. I had been referred to a hand surgeon, and after several months, he scheduled me for surgery at the end of this June. My discomfort increased when the 3rd and 4th fingers on my right hand began to “burn” when I touched anything cool or cold. The surgical plan was to cut open my right hand at the base of my 4 fingers, to expand the openings through which the nerves in my fingers were getting squeezed, and to give shots to the trigger fingers in my left hand.

It was a week and two days before the surgery date, in the morning, that I was walking my dog in a town park near my home, when I met a younger woman, also walking, with whom I have chatted occasionally, in similar circumstances, over the last 2 or 3 years. I had found her to be a very interesting and highly educated person, having talked with her at some point about ministry and many other diverse topics over time. I thought of her as a friend, I had told her about my book, and we had talked about that briefly. Since each of us was always on a time schedule, however, our conversations were usually very brief.

On this particular day, when she came along and asked how I was, the first thing I mentioned was the upcoming surgery on my hand, because it was hurting at that moment. She asked in more detail about my hand, and then she asked if I would mind if she prayed over it!

I was quite surprised, as nothing like that has ever happened to me before, but why would anyone turn down an offer of a prayer? I thought it was very kind of her to care enough to offer a prayer for me.  She enclosed my right hand with her two hands, and she was quiet for a moment. Then, lifting her eyes skyward, she spoke quite firmly, saying, as best I can remember, “Lord, I command you to heal Lee’s hand, according to your promises to your people for healing…,” and she continued, quoting more scripture and more specifics about the completeness of the healing she was requesting for my hand. Her words were so unexpected, that I almost couldn’t process them. I simply listened in wonder and in awe.

Then she gestured that she would be quiet again for a minute, appearing to be praying silently. Looking at me, she then asked, “Do you feel anything in your hand?” Again surprised, it took me a bit to think about what my hand was feeling, and I said, “Yes, I think I feel a bit of tingling.” She broke into a big smile, and said, “Then I will do this again!”

When she finished, she asked me again if my hand felt any different, and as I tried to clench my hand, I told her that it did feel looser, my fingers not pinching as much as before. She was delighted, and with a big smile, told me that I could expect the healing to continue! She gave my hand a bit of a squeeze, wished me well, and turned to continue her walk.

I thanked her very much, of course, almost not knowing what to say, as she walked briskly away. By then, my dog Texie was impatiently pulling me toward the end of the park, where we usually go, and there I met a neighbor who wanted to be caught up on the latest news about an active coyote den across from my house.

Some 20 minutes later, as Texie and I walked back up the hill toward home, I saw my friend, who had just done the healing, coming down towards me. She stopped to ask how my hand was, and to my surprise, it actually felt quite a bit better than the last time she had asked! She again smiled very warmly and told me she thought all was going to be well. Of course, I thanked her again, and said how touched I was that she had offered to help me, and off she went.

I didn’t have time to think much about my hand again, as I had a very busy day. Even at bedtime, I just went to sleep as if it were any other night. The next morning, I was not thinking about my hand when I awoke, until my left hand gave me a nasty pinch when I tried to pull my pillow up higher. It’s when I reached for the pillow with my right hand, that I realized that it was not pinching, and that I could grasp the pillow case and pull on it without my hand convulsing! I stood up and walked around, squeezing my hand into a fist, picking small things up and trying to work with my hair brush. My hand was more than 95% better by that next morning, and it has stayed that way until today! The only reason I didn’t say 100% is that the fourth finger can still trigger occasionally, when if I try to hold something very thin and narrow, but the rest of the time my hand works as it should, and I can make a fist without a problem!

But the miracle goes on! Although she did not pray over my left hand, it benefitted from my friend’s prayers, too, because it is more that 80% better than it was before the healing! It can be a little stiff and likely to trigger, especially in the morning, but some days it is nearly perfect!!

The next day, I therefore cancelled my appointment for the hand surgery, leaving an explanation, as best I could, with a surprised young man at the doctor’s front desk, about a faith healing on my hands, adding that I hoped that the doctor would understand. I hope he did! I was thrilled not to be disabled for days by surgery on my dominant hand and not to have shots in 2 fingers on my left hand! I was thrilled to be healed in such an amazing way!

I am now a believer in faith healings - how could I not be? But the best news is that, when I met my friend again in the park a couple of weeks later, and when I thanked her again, her response was, “Anyone can do faith healings! I myself have been healed 3 times. Anyone can do healings!”  She was very sure of herself on this point.

Out of respect and gratitude for her healing of my hand and her belief that anybody can do healing, I have been sharing this story whenever it seems appropriate. If my friend healed me and she believes anyone can do healing, I chose to believe her!

If you have had a faith healing, I’d love to learn more. Please share your experience!

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