Lee Paine
Lee Paine has a deep and varied background in non-profit management, and in the arts as a professional photographer, teacher, lecturer and judge, as well as a paid section leader for church choirs. As a writer, she had a column on photography in the Greenwich (CT) Time, then the Greenwich Citizen newspapers for some combined 26 years, until the papers were purchased by the Hearst Corporation.
A versatile professional, she held directorial positions in public relations, communications, strategic planning, volunteer management, and development in several non-profits, including
The Riverside Church in NYC, the Norwalk (CT) Hospital, the Greenwich (CT) YWCA, Shakespeare on the Sound (CT), and ARI of CT, Inc., and in retirement, part-time jobs as the Administrator of the Greenwich (CT) Choral Society and then the Music Department at Christ Episcopal Church, Greenwich.
Ms. Paine also sang as a paid chorus member for CT Grand Opera, for the Yale Opera Company in two productions, for Pepsico Summerfare’s production of Cosi fan tutti, and has been singing as a volunteer with New Rochelle, (NY), Opera for some 15 years. A high school English teacher after college, she later taught advanced international English classes on-line for Berlitz, as well as tutored young children in the Stamford (CT) immigrant community, working through an agency.
She was the president of the Greenwich Branch, National League of American Pen Women, from 2020-2022, and is one of only 7 members of the NLAPW to be admitted in all 3 disciplines – Letters, Art and Music.
Ms. Paine has a BA in English Literature from Wheaton College, Norton, MA, and earned 30 credits of an MA in English Literature from Hunter College Graduate School, NYC.
A Closer Look
Dear Reader,
Thank you for coming on this amazing journey with me – I had no idea when I started the book, that I would actually end up revealing so much about myself. I was much more interested in finding out what I could learn from other people, but it turned out to be an exchange of information on both sides that I think was beneficial for all of us.
It was not easy for any person in this book to share their testimonies with me, nor I with them, but our conversations built strong connections between us, and I admire and am eternally grateful to each subject in this book. I am joyful, knowing that when they each read the book, they will have the same amazing experience that I did – the wonder of finding others who have had similar experiences and who can understand what we have been living with, often in secret. I hope that happens for you, too!
Because I’ve always been good at advocating for causes and for the needs of others, as I finished this book, I understood that I could do more to help others dealing with the complicated revelations experiences and feelings we all share. With the information that I had gathered and will continue to gather on this website, I can help “normalize” our experiences by lifting up this subject into the light and helping us all find a place and a way to share and own our experiences.
Blessings to each of you!
Lee Paine
On my book's back cover, you will see how I plan to take action on my ideas.

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